In the vLog reel, Blade claims to become immediately sober after lighting a cig with the Jesus candle on RV8. Blade then follows up by mimicking Sonic with the awrite awrite awrite line.
Ayo Sonic I love you dood I hope you are enjoying it in NYC.
In the second half of the video, Sonic escapes the hospital emergency room or psych room or wherever they bring you when you are too drunk. Sonic was shouting at a security guard and then passed out on the side of the road….. so wherever the medics take you to make sure you are okay. Sonic was nearly unintelligible when the EMTs arrived and they took him.
The vLog reel was recorded from live streams 5/10/2023 OneSonic and ONLYUSEmeBLADE in RV8, and 6/2/2023 OneSonic in NYC. The second clip includes the live chat because I am sure there are great comments from the chat as Sonic’s escape unfolds. Ayo!!!
Shout out to OneSonic. RV8 hype!!! Oughhh…..
Status update: at the time of publishing this post – 6/16/2023 at 9:51PM EST I checked the oughhh live stream and of course, we yeetin yeetza!!! Looks tasty dood. Donation goal profit hype!!! Ayo.