For more info on Aldy under the tree stream, type !aldytree or type !stat1 in the Kick chat.
All screenshots on this post are captured live or shortly after, and then posted here!
We report news on all the happenings from our kick streams.
Tune in to IP2vLog on Kick where we r live streaming all day, erry day. WE R ALL WAN!!!!!
NOTE: scroll to the bottom of this post to read up in chronological order. The most recent posts are added to the top of this page. AYo. l m n o p dood.
11:15PM EST: AYo lookit, it’s TONE IRL aka chipped tooth andy, dood….
10:01PM EST: Yes. Yes, it is…..
9:57PM EST: Make it stop, pls….
donk3ynuts in the CHAT!!!
9:45PM EST: Eff the sicko’s dood.
Shon is live. AW HELL NAH.
8:43PM EST: Response to explosive_Enema – Yes, yes it does… over 1k ppl watchin, still fascinating…. it’s boglim couch.
8:39PM EST: Cobes left us to go smoke a cig outside.
Boglim couch hype.
Cool Cobras Hype.
8:35PM EST: Cobes got a doordash order from McDonald’s…. went to go puke in the bathroom real quick or take a poo, came out, and looks at the receipt, not sure if he washed his hands or not, the order says:
Meatless big mac hype. TWU TOOBZ.
[lavalamp hype]
8:21PM EST: Cobes tries the mead. WINE HYPE!!!
“I haven’t changed my teeth brushing behavior patterns I’ve just cut down on my sugar intake.” Says Cobes… TWU.
8:17PM EST: Aldy wont lissen to my Instagram dm so I made this video. ALDY1K LET’S COLLAB DOOD…
Stoney arises from his drunken nap. He gets up and walks off cam. Stoney appears back on stream and is surprised the camera is still on. “I didn’t piss in the room,” he says. The stream ends.
Geezer’s song is played on Blackout Andy’s Podcast Geezer makes an appearance on Blackout Andy’s podcast. His song, ‘Like a Fish,’ is played during the stream. Soynic’s Toe edited this song from an impromptu freestyle made by OG Geezer.
The first verse of ‘Like a Fish’ is written below: (Not niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeee) I fillet fucking fish Serve ‘em like a dish (ha ha ha ha ha ha) I fillet fucking fish (yeah) Don’t act like a bish (yeah) I fillet fucking fish – Bitch Serve ‘em like a dish (urghh) I fillet fucking fish Scoo ba dah mutha fuckahhhhhhh.
SlightlyHomeless and his guest talk about ip2 Slightly Homeless is sitting beside his guest in his apartment in Mongolia. Their conversation turns to Jewel Rancid. “I thought she did porn,” Homeless asks. “No, that’s a trailer park kinda streamer from IP2,” the guest explains. Homeless asks again, “What is IP2?” After some thought they both concluded they had no idea.
Homeless then asks his guest his opinions of Black women. The guest replies he has no opinion. Homeless asks eagerly, “You don’t like Black girls?” “I’ve never had any experience with them,” he replies. “Dude! He’s from Mongolia, you dope,” retorted a comment in chat.
Homeless springs from his chair and darts across the room. “I do need a toothbrush,” he exclaims, “where is my toothbrush?” He frantically rummages through his bag. “If I do meet a jawn she’s gonna taste the scum in my mouth,” Homeless explains.
He walks across the room and off stream. Homeless shouts, “It was on the floor!” He laughs maniacally over the sound of running water. Homeless and his guest attempt to leave the apartment to go IRL. Homeless stops suddenly in the hallway and asks his guest about his appearance. “Do I look like I’ll get any pussy tonight?”. The guest stares blankly at Homeless and suggests he should change clothes.
1:59AM EST: Aldy taps in to the panel bwo. Shout out ta Drewsky Brewwski dood.