Photos by JUANTHEPIGEON – pt.numbawan

All photos captured by JUANTHEPIGEON using the Kodak EasyShare 7590 camera and uploaded directly from the memory card. No photo editing, just the original photos. These are my adventures. WE ARE ALL WAN!!!!!


Photos captured 2024/07/30 to 08/01.

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Photos captured 2024/07/28.

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Photos captured 2024/07/27.

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I got a new camera at the thrift shop the other day. This is my story.

The Kodak EasyShare 7590 is a twenty year old digital camera that was released in 2004. I was seeking a compact digital camera from the 2000’s that had a CCD sensor, and I found it!!!

There are many used cameras available on sites like ebay, but I wanted to come across one of these cameras on my own because I knew that finding it would create some sort of attachment rather than just having a box shipped to my doorstep. The thrift shop has an electronics section that is constantly rotating, so I knew it was just a matter of time until I would find something.

The reason why I was seeking a digital camera with a CCD sensor is because new cameras have CMOS sensors. With a different camera sensor being used in modern day cell phones, and the push for new technology advancements, there are many factors that make these images just look different.

I want to preserve the vintage style, and recreate it with present day images.

Getting to know the camera so far has provided a huge sense of relief. My mindset has changed from worrying about if I have the best gear and camera settings to now just focusing on shooting. This is amazing. I enjoy the simplicity of the camera. I am embracing the limitations and learning to work with them. I feel relieved from the pressure to create something that is the best, or better than….. instead, I am capturing something new from my environment in a way that looks different.

When I am reviewing images that I captured on this camera it feels like I am looking through a time capsule. This is totally off-topic from IP2vLog and live streaming, so I hope you enjoy the adventures with JUANTHEPIGEON and my new camera!!! This is me. This is my journey!!!!! ADVENTURES WITH WANNNNN!!!!! WE ARE ALL WAN!!!

Photos captured 2024/07/26.

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All images copyright // © JUANTHEPIGEON // JUANTHEPIGEON.