We are bringing back the screenshots, CHAT!!!!!
The Current State of IP2 – January 2024
11:11PM EST Update
Salute to Captain Gee aka Captain G aka THE MF CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP!
CAPTAIN GEE Appreciation Reel!!! FIVE FOR WAnnnnn!!!!!
This WAn felt right to close out 2023. Captain Gee numba WAn!!!
Five for WAn source clip credits:
https://kick.com/sam?clip=clip_01HK15N38SBT5CFSK09BBRY7A5 | Clipped by JUANTHEPIGEON
https://kick.com/iceposeidon?clip=clip_01HK11ET7WF5KF8PERV2Q1G47Q | Clipped by Gottschick
https://kick.com/carldo?clip=clip_01HK0VHBWWV12AXPBBAV92J8G4 | Clipped by Coyote7777
https://kick.com/garydavid?clip=clip_01HJYPM9BHXE16HXC63QGEKQCH | Clipped by bladesmushroom
https://kick.com/iceposeidon?clip=clip_01HJT6A2MAGTGGQV2SXEMJ3SNV | Clipped by Eric_Travels
10:47PM EST Update
Chicken Andy returns to Kick for New Year’s Eve!!!
https://kick.com/chickenandy?clip=clip_01HK1BJX9AE0NFC2M979WKR6P5 | Clipped by JUANTHEPIGEON
https://kick.com/chickenandy?clip=clip_01HK1BJX9AE0NFC2M979WKR6P5 | Clipped by conorakapryrsAW
Chicken turns on the camera AYYooooo.

CHICKEN IS BACK!!!!! RV8 Archives for the WAnnnnn…..
RV8 vLog Live Feed | Week of 6/24 to 6/30/2023
RV8 vLog Live Feed | Week of 6/17 to 6/23/2023
RV8 vLog Live Feed | Week of 6/10 to 6/16/2023
12:21AM EST Update
I mean, wicked sick….. dood.

12:19AM EST Update
The current state of IP2 in a pinned message. Nice WAn dood. i pee too, dood….. Heel Mike is not a sponser btw.
Scams aka sams empty sailboat cam hype.

Here is another five clip combo montage from the past day of live streams.
This is the second edit! Now including an intro scene ft. JUANTHEPIGEON, AYYooooooo!!!!!
Five for WAn Clip hype!!!!!
Five for WAn source clip credits:
OG Majestic Lion LIVE | Clipped by JUANTHEPIGEON
https://kick.com/wvagabond?clip=clip_01HJVGN4TC850B0YWHZMR2A39T | Clipped by dyerektor
https://kick.com/garydavid?clip=clip_01HJVGNSZTN7D9WGAEX76MWX49 | Clipped by ptree
https://kick.com/carldo?clip=clip_01HJWE4K687MDHKKNF3VFM4PDA | Clipped by KingsOfKick
https://kick.com/izanal?clip=clip_01HJXY4HJRTRBEK0F5JZ1F91E8 | Clipped by Isabellax2
9:29PM EST Update
A buncha doods singing on a boat, meanwhile EBZ is on the side camera bashing something with the back of a knife in the kitchen. Look out!!!!!

EBZ checks the shrimp by hand.

9:03PM EST Update
I made a mashup of five random kick clips from today.
Not sure what to call it though, or if I’ll do more of this format but it’s kind of different from what I have done before. Lettuce know what you think in the comments section, CHAT!!!!! Carrot warning in the video below, btw.
There is no specific message I am looking to convey, or any connection between these clips other than they are some of our most watched streamers on the IP2vLog kick channel.
Video mashup hype!!!
Clip source links for live chat here. AYYooooo!!!!!
https://kick.com/crazytawn?clip=clip_01HJSASTX0YYMKGCG1C7TAKQ33 | Clipped by PimpPookeyDookey
https://kick.com/sweeterin?clip=clip_01HJS99DER1G1VQ5YQ1EAKD99D | Clipped by OLDIRTYDAVID
https://kick.com/garydavid?clip=clip_01HJRSYS2PBMF7WSBR6KVEP879 | Clipped by reup
https://kick.com/officialebz?clip=clip_01HJQDV99JNR6BHP2S3CK6586D | Clipped by cosm0
https://kick.com/carldo?clip=clip_01HJPVHBF2BSPE04QAXFM9AJM7 | Clipped by boocarkeyfan
8:18PM EST Update
EBZ shootin hoops hype, “57 shots. 33 buckets.” AYYooooo!!!!!

8:11PM EST Update
Ac7 just eliminated three contestants and got set up for it.
This dood still wearing his mf fish flops flip flops. AYo.

7:51PM EST Update
Ac7 is doing a live dating contest, he already eliminated two of the contestants. Some reckless statements are being made, the blonde persons hosting the stream says she was just reading chat though. I wont say their name, they gave away candy to kids in another skit.
Actionman tell us how much they paid you to show up for this stream. Please. And then to trick these women to come on a show as contestants, or whatever the ad says. AYo.

3:31PM EST Update
We about to shred the gnar gnar with Strokeoff aka Mike Strokeoff. AYo!!!

ONLYUSEmeBLADE Recap video hype, shout out to GradErsIP2CLIPS on the stream recap!
Carl vs sam pepper CROAG BOYS boat trip recap. The donations are going off constantly. CHAT always wins.
Next time, sam, don’t move Carl’s stream. You moved us. You messed with CHAT. You should know better. Additionally, sam pepper can only do scripts and drama arguments for content confirmed.
Big up to the Captain of the shit!! I mean, ship.

The Captain lays mean heaters off the boat…. Captain of the shit!
Clipped by Ignore_Me

Captain presents a kielbasa turd sausage for the live stream. This person seems excited for it…..

OG Geezer aka THE MAJESTIC LION makes lasagna!!!!!
OG Majestic Lion | “It’s just a flicker of timeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!”
2:25AM EST Update
Blade arrives at his new caretakers house stream recap – she feeds him a sandwich and she tries on his fake teeth wtf blade onlylosemedentures. Shout out to Papa Greeny Productions on video!!!
6:59PM EST Update
Blade proof of life confirmed. He escaped from Orange Tributary’s place in the mountains, and said the following morning they did not talk about the torture stream he just got out of there as soon as he could.
Blade is saying he is now roommates with Sheepdog. I mean, sheep-low, har-dawgg, or something, I’m not sure. Definitely not Harlow btw.

Sheepdog house tour and low hanging chandelier hype. AYYooooo…..

We in da kitchen!!!

Sheepdog 2019 video hype.
Also, this is Saint’s favorite moment from Sheepdog’s house when RV8 was staying there. Blade projectile puke hype….. Screenshot captured 2023.12.27 at 12:49AM EST.

11:33PM EST Update
….. wait, is it ST BARTHS or ST BARTS.
….. is it CROAG or is it CROAG.
Joel tries to get an autograph from Mike Tyson. Shout out to IP2 Underground on the YouTube post. The boat squad aka CROAG BOYS aka ice and sam’s boat trip.
Source clip shout out to @quicksilv3r – source clip link here. This explains ice in a nut shell. wut the fuk.
Garydavid calls out Mike Tyson, and it’s actually kinda funny, again, wut da hek is ice talking about to these people on the boat!!! This is the Captain’s personal business!!!
Clipped by @EveryDayIsGoyslop
CX approaches Mike Tyson…..
Clipped by CH8MP
Saint10 aka Saint Ten aka Saintten update…. It appears as though Saint has not moved in over 10 hours, btw. Same stream. Still in front of that painting.
Also, somewhere along the course of this stream he explained his Instagram username means Enlightened by….. not, just NLY. Enlightened by snakes, mind you.

1:11PM EST Update
Yoba just went live. Don’t say it. Don’t…. Ok.
LET’s GOOOOO!!!!!!!
“first topic, scam pepper has imploded…..”‘
“whaddaya mean?!?!?”

12:49PM EST Update
The update we all needed but didn’t know we wanted:
Aldy1k is back, CHAT!!!
Aldy was banned on kick for 2 months and now he is back. AYYYooooo!!!!!

6:53PM EST Update
In other news…..
The Clint Saunders Interview (KingCobraJFS’s Dad) | Video posted by @YourFavoriteSon

6:35PM EST Update
Recap from last night – Orange aka Orange Tributary aka Tributary Traveler aka the Christmas Grinch strikes for Christmas Eve.
Blade drinks a lil bit and is not allowed to sleep. Lemme sleep is not accepted.
Tributary milk mountain, dood….. it’ll b lit dood. AYYo.
T F is with the milk.

Contact WAn aka JUANTHEPIGEON if you have a video recap of this wonderful event. Shout out to the clipper channels on the toobz!!!
Stream recap hype shout out to @Liutauras on the lore update video!
Hampton Brandon Jail Update | Ice Poseidon Boat Trip | Adin Ross $1M Fight | Natalie Arrested Live
11:07PM EST Update
CROAG Boys playing stake a lil bit.
Carl is here, CHAT!!!!! AYYooooo!!!

12:15AM EST Update
The lizard’s name is REPTAR!!!!! Maybe it is a bearded dragon. Maybe REPTAR can help us find PUFF.
REPTAR HYPE!!! Friend of PUFFERS. Friend of SweetErin. Friend of WAN. WE R ALL WAN.
Erin’s handler is ticked off again, btw.
Mom feeds REPTAR.
Erin starts doing the Britney thing again. Aw hek…..

12:11AM EST Update
Random pic. Might delete later. Ceiling hype…..

1:13AM EST Update
Adderalls r kickin in dood.
Ac7 wahts ur end game here muh dood.
12:41AM EST Update

Xena gets pressed off the block!!!
12:21AM EST Update
7-11 big gulp x ankle bracelet x white sneakers = great combo pov from Xena’s stream.
At first glance, everything looks good to go here. Seems legit for a witch.

11:03PM EST Update
Jack Dough Hurty dood.

Yo Action, make it make sense…..
Ac7 reading the chat.

10:51PM EST Update
TAWN 100k+++ viewers hype.

9:39PM EST Update
Kick Alert!!! BOOTYTV NOW ON KICK!!!
Let’s get FRIO TO WAN K! 1k hype AYYooooo!!!

8:23PM EST Update
AC7 takes another fourty five. AYYo.
AC7 pops another wan.
7:55PM EST Update
Never trust a man who sits like Captain Crack Sparrow, mind you.

3:39PM EST Update
I’ve found the kick page for Captain Crack Sparrow. Shout out Baked Alaska, ay baked!!!!!

IP2 forum viewer confirmed.

2:31PM EST Update
OG Geezer neck camera mount hype. Temu haul update continued…..

The prime rib was on sale for $4.97 / lb CHAT!!!!!

2:42AM EST Update
OG Geezer temu haul.
Favorite item confirmed.

1:23AM EST Update
Nicely done, Blade.

1:17AM EST Update
Blade takes a rest and shows off his new boots. Also that is his streamer kit in the briefcase.

1:11AM EST Update
Blade and Tributary Traveler are hiking to Blade’s trailer….. Blade wanted a ride but Tributary said u gotta walk dood.
“Sorry, I’m super lit. We’re exercising.” – OUMB2

12:19AM EST Update
Blade chillin takin a cig break. AYo.
….. meanwhile, ice, dood, wtf.
Also, that’s the shirtless shoulder of Gary.

9:51PM EST Update
Ice and Sam confront Captain Crack Sparrow again. Half of the deposit money did not go through on cash app and Sam says he is charging back on the rest of it. Failed boat trip hype. Fail boat sail boat cruise. Still waiting on Mando for the starlink.

4:26AM EST Update
Carl W with the zoom.

Smirking and peering through the window, “how’s my chat”?

3:55AM EST Update
The Yeti does a stealth camera review. Sent in by one of the viewers… AYYooooo!!!
OG Geezer aka The Majestic Lion – Quick Review of Losfom Mini Body Camera Model Z02

2:36AM EST Update
New stream title hype.
Shout out to the live stream directories, the clipper channels, and the forums.

Shout out to the real WAns who made me….. EVERY WAn in CHAT!!! AYo. You know who you are. Thank you. Persons.
Shout out to the AI.ROBOTS that run the vLog channel on kick. OB Continues!!!!!
– Tech vLog

1:57AM EST Update
Carl and lil plant call Kimberlee and lil plant exposes the break up script. Carl stress smoking hype…..

12:31AM EST Update
Stoney update, beer is empty, time to chug another wan. AYo.

SweetErin’s inspiration for the look btw.
12:15AM EST Update
@krispywaffle in the chat HAHAHAHAHAHA
….. while they are asking Erin the last time she did it.

11:55PM EST Update
Carl and lil plant call SweetErin. They are asking her to rate lil plant.

11:11PM EST Update
LORE ALERT X2 AYYooooo!!!!!
Carl is live at the apartment of lil plant. Return of lil plant. Carl is back in NYC for a reunion stream.

Source video link here: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/zx0tygq.mp4
10:41PM EST Update
Blade made it to the home of Tributary Traveler. Scuffed stream in 144p hype. Lemme pee dood. AYo.
Let’s GOOOOOOO!!!!!

7:41PM EST Update
Almost got a speeding ticket. Running to go pee!!!!!

7:19PM EST Update

5:06PM EST Update
Not a sponser btw. Baked W AYYooooo.

1:47PM EST Update
Chix, EBZ, and Moises hit the drive thru.