The IP2vLog Declaration of WAN


This means all of us. We are all wan. The live streamers, chat users, stream viewers, and video clippers can all work together to make something awesome.

It starts with making some quality content happen on a live stream, and then it is up to the clippers to make that moment a success.

What is Happening at IP2vLog

We are always live, always recording, and always tuned in to The Street Network aka The Current State of IP2. We record for research purposes in order to document the phenomenon that is called IRL live streaming. There is a delicate balance of meeting new people, finding new cast members, and getting to interview someone on a live stream as opposed to pointing the camera in someone’s face especially while they are just trying to do their job. Some streamers can interact with people nicely, and others are simply a public nuisance. At the end of the live stream, it is all good as long as nobody gets hurt. If it creates a reaction then that is what we are looking to document. We are not seeking to glorify any type of negative, harmful, or otherwise destructive actions, we are just attempting to capture live streaming for what it is and let you decide what is good or bad.

We adhere to the moral compass that is Good Mood Dave. We want to be enjoy life, smile, have a laugh, and share that with others the content we see on live streams every day. Welcome to IP2vLog!!!

What We Seek to Achieve

Live streams are temporary in nature due to the fact that streams are often deleted and then lost forever. Even if a live stream is not deleted, there are often hours of footage that are surrounding these particular moments and only the people watching it live have the real opportunity to experience what has happened.

It is our mission at IP2vLog to archive and preserve live streams. We seek to capture the full experience of watching the stream with the live chat feed included.

Check out more on what we are up to at The Current State of IP2 here!

The Declaration of WAN

Does this make a good name for IP2?

If this is not something that Good Mood Dave wants to see then it probably should not be posted.

Will this make the streamer thrive, grow, or learn something in order to benefit from watching this?

What we will not do is torment the streamer or glorify any type of actions that could lead to self-harm or become a risk to the safety of others.

Does this clip spark a reaction?

The nature of IRL live streaming creates some interesting and unique situations, and we are here to document it!

This official declaration document was published on 2024/06/25 ℗ JUANTHEPIGEON.